Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't think Stammering is a Disease
Sss. . . ss
Stammering is Not a Disease
"Mu. . mmm. . mum. . mummy! We wa. wa. wa. . won the mmm. . mmmatch!" Gandhi Sharma's torso tenses up whenever she practice her 10-year old son stammering. She becomes despairing herself, once Amit gets stuck on a word and struggles so hard to speak it out. His young-er buddy speaks perfectly normally which makes it even more difficult for Amit. Gandhi Sharma : "Sometimes, a class-mate power taunt him and that makes Amit feel as if he is abnormal. Finish class he used to come home crying. He speaks rather considerably with everyone at home or with some of his friends. He has no trouble once he sings or recites from memory. But once the instructor asks him to read in class, he breaks down into severe stammering. The problem is particularly detectable when he is excited or angry. Talk on the call is also difficult for Amit. Occasionally the sentence he was 4 years old and had started stammering, we had mentioned it to our pediatrician but he advised us not to worry because it would disappear when Amit reached 6 years of age. Now, 4 age later, the problem is in fact increasing. I find helpless".
There are More more 45 million people in the world today who stammer and approximately 10 million live in India . Stammering is preponderantly a 'male' term (80% of all stammerers are male) and it usually affects the first-born male child. A substantial bulk of stammerers (65%) have a family history of the disorder; usually the father who stammers or speaks at a rapid rate. Almost always, stammering starts ahead the child is 5 years of age. If left untreated, it peaks in hardship about the age of 10 to 18 years and then begins to stabilize or fade away as the stammerer grows older.

A stammerer knows just fairly he wants to say but cannot, for the moment, say it because of an involuntary repetition, prolongation or cessation of the speech sound. Research suggests there the disorder might be caused due to a 'neurological mistiming' during the act of speech which leaves the stammerer confused about when exactly to say the word he wants to say. Speaking is not just the movement of the tongue but involves a fine coordination of both mental and physical processes. Wish all other strong-arm actions, the act of speech is the result of neuro-muscular coordination which involves the transmitting of electro-chemical messages from the brain to the appropriate muscle groups. For everyone of us (non-stammerers and stammerers alike), tonight neuro-muscular arrangement sometimes trips and fails especially during moments of inadequate emotional control. Haven't we all base the character of our speech delivery changing with our feelings as we experience thrill, anger, fear, joy or other such strong emotions? For the stammerer, this 'tripping' occurs much more frequently than it does for normal speakers. Whenever he faces fairly he perceives as a 'feared' situation, the stammerer adopts a outlook which triggers off spasms of speech-blocks. Such terrible can also center around certain speech sounds or even certain people.

Actually, all stammerers hold periods of volubility when they are emotionally relaxed but revert back to dysfluent speech under stress. Answering the wander call in class, speaking on the telephone, talking to someone in authority, speaking in a group, attending a job interview, etc. are about such force situations which might cause an increase in stammering behavior.

One More of the strange facts about stammering is that even the severest stammerer can sing fluently without any speech blocks. Tonight is because once we sing a song, we know exactly when to say the words and there is no ambiguity in our minds about this timing. In colloquial speech however, we cannot trust on any such cues but as normally fluent speakers, most of us do not need these cues. However, fairly eventually cues, a stammerer's speech becomes disoriented, because of his 'wrongly tuned' neurological speech-timing system. He experiences trouble in maintaining a polish forward flow of words in the sentences he speaks. Often repeated, eventually instances of stammering arouse fear in the mind of the child who stammers. Hit development years, these fears keep snowballing until the stammerer begins to experience tremendous frustration, anxiety, shame, embarrassment, even guilt every time he opens his mouth to speak. He begins to bounce occasionally speaking. The smirks on the faces of his listeners arbitrarily his speech sometimes elicits do zero to help his self confidence. In as other respect, exclude speaking ability, the stammerer is a completely normal human being, as good or bad as the rest of us. In fact almost stammerers are sore and intelligent people.

Scientists hold yet to pin-point the demand cause of stammering. In ancient times, the term was attributed to as possible source including sometimes the devil himself. One can just think the varieties of tortures undergone by stammerers in their quest for speech fluency in those days. Still now, stammering has remained a perplexing speech impediment for the sufferer as well as for those who have attempted to cure it through medicines.
One stammerer affectingly asks :
I can see
I can hear
I can sprightly walk.
Why do all my problems rise Once I try to talk?

In their desperate search for fluency, many stammerers in India subject themselves to a myriad of so-called treatments ranging from swallowing vile concoctions to allowing themselves to be pierced with needles and cut with knives. Actually, such treatments book no relevancy to the problem of stammering and only cause greater frustration in the long run.
Some psychiatrists power dictate tranquilizers in the belief that relieving stress would help speech fluency. Such drugstore usually complicate, rather than resolve the issue and are strongly de-recommended for the treatment of stammering by most speech pathologists.
Dr. Pecker Rosenberger, M. D. , Director, Scholarship Disorders Unit at Harvard Medical School, Boston says "Since the increase in stammering during anxiety is a common experience, it might be assumed that drugs that relieve anxiety would be beneficial. However, child tranquilizers hold been tried many times without success".

Hypnosis has too shown unpromising results in the treatment of stammering. A few stammerers who power turn fluent while under a trance invariably return to stammering when out of the hypnotic state.

Yoga and speculation power really hold the key to solving the problem of stammering. Hit the greater feel of emotional and intellectual balance that these disciplines promote, the stammerer might find them of tremendous help in his attempts to develop
better control over his speech.

Dr. Edward Conture, Professor of Speech Pathology at Syracuse University, New York, talks about what causes stammering :
"Things that cause stammering may be, and probably are, quite different from the things that keep it going, aggravate or worsen it. For example, if you spoil a knife, you may cut do-it-yourself finger. The tongue causes the cut and initial pain. Saltiness scrubbed into the cut makes the pain continue or even worsen it but the salt does not cause the cut". Dr. Conture says, scientists ". . . however haven't base the 'knife' that causes stammering. However, we do recognize something almost the 'salt' that keeps it going, makes it worse or aggravates it".
These are aspects arbitrarily can be changed done self-therapy to help the person overcome his speaking difficulty.

Speech is one of our body's strongest habits and stammered speech is too a habit. Stammering is not a disease and therefore, it cannot be tempered done medicines. The stammering kid or big has to be helped to develop a new, more fluent manner of speech through an intensive re-orientation program which focuses on modifying his physical manner of talking as well as changing his mental attitude towards the problem.

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